Bobbie Gilmour
Past Executive / University Practitioner Advisor - SU
Bobbie is a Resident Engineer at Kennedy Jenks and has been working in the Puget Sound Region for over nine years. She loves wastewater and construction! Her work has included construction management and inspection/observation on large wastewater treatment projects including Chambers Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Georgetown Wet Weather Treatment Station, and the West Point Treatment Plant. She has also provided support on various other design and construction projects throughout Washington as well as Oregon, California, and Hawaii.
Bobbie has been involved in ASCE since she was a freshman at Seattle University, even becoming President of her student chapter her senior year. Since graduating in 2014, Bobbie has stayed involved with ASCE through the YMF, Section, and Societal level. She has acted as the SU University Coordinator, Executive Forum Chair, Popsicle Stick Bridge Co-Coordinator, Treasurer, President-Elect, President, and Board Representative. Bobbie is also active with the ASCE Construction Institue’s Young Professionals Council as well as the Claims Avoidance and Resolution Committee.
Bobbie co-wrote the Drinking Water section of the 2019 Washington State Infrastructure Report Card and was the Outreach Lead during and after its release. In her free time, she loves to bake, take naps, and hang out with her cat Freddy.