Upcoming events.

ASCE Seattle YMF Outing at the Mariners Game
Date: August 23rd, 2024
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: T-Mobile Park (Seattle)
Address: 1250 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134
Please join the Seattle ASCE YMF for our annual Mariners game, sponsored by SolMax. The Mariners will host the San Francisco Giants in a interleague matchup. Tickets for the event are in the first level on the first base side of the stadium.
Following the game, please stick around for Mariners Sing Along Fireworks Night!!
$10 (Payment Details to Come a Few Days Before the Game)
All guest must RSVP to secure a ticket. Tickets will be transferred at least 24 hours before the game. Please note only 45 spots are available. After 45 sign up's your name will be added to a waitlist.
In addition to the game, please join use for appetizers prior to the game sponsored by the YMF. Location TBD and will be announced prior to the Mariners game.
Please email ymf@seattleasce.org for any cancelations or questions.
Big Thank you to SOLMAX for sponsoring this event!

ASCE Seattle YMF Pre-game Happy Hour
Date: August 23rd, 2024
Time: 5pm - 7pm
Where: Hatback Bar & Grille(Seattle)
Address: 1201 1st Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134
ASCE Seattle YMF will be providing some appetizers to snack on during the event!
Please email ymf@seattleasce.org for any cancelations or questions.

ASCE YMF Pickleball Tournament
Date: June 8th, 2024
Time: 8:00am - 2:00pm
Where: Bitter Lake Courts (North Seattle)
Address: 13035 Linden Ave N, Seattle, WA 98133
Transportation: Short walk from 99, 20-25 min from west Seattle, 10/15 min from UW, or 20 min from Downtown
Welcome to the ASCE Seattle YMF first ever pickleball tournament. This will be a coed mixed doubles tournament open to all skill levels. We encourage all members of the community to participate and ASCE membership is not required. There is no age minimum, and all section members are invited. Spectators are welcomed.
No experience is required, and a morning lesson will be offered before the tournament for game rules and practice, if needed.
This will be a fun and casual tournament for those looking to have a fun spring day!
8:00 AM: Morning lesson coached by Nicki for game rules and learning
9:00 AM: Teams arrive, check in and warm up begins
9:45 AM: Check in closes, announcements begin
9:55 AM: Brackets announced
10:00 AM: Games begin
Afternoon: Post Event Casual Happy Hour
$10 per team with ASCE Membership (Paid via cash, Zelle, Venmo)
$15 per team with One ASCE Membership (Paid via cash, Zelle, Venmo)
$20 for non ASCE membership (Paid via cash, Zelle, Venmo)
Cost includes participation in the tournament, a snack bag, and casual games on the side.
Limited number of racquets will be available for borrowing. Pre-pay or day of.
What to wear (Recommended): Tennis or court shoes, Athletic wear (courts can be 10 degrees warmer), Hat, Sunglasses
What to bring (Recommended): Water, Sunscreen, Chairs for sidelines, Pickleball racquets if owned, Good attitudes and friendly vibes
Tournament 1st Place
Best Dressed Team
Please email nickipeden@gmail.com for any cancelations or questions.

SEAW Seattle April Dinner Meeting
Date: April 23th, 2024
Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: The Pine Box
Address: 1600 Melrose Ave, Seattle, WA 98122
Please contact Contact Romulos Ragudos Jr (ragudosr@gmail.com) with any questions with questions!

COPRI Seattle Chapter Meeting
Date: April 17th, 2024
Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Where: Ivar's Salmon House
Address: 401 NE Northlake Way, Seattle, WA 98105
The COPRI Seattle Chapter invites you to an April 17th dinner presentation at Ivar’s Salmon House. We are pleased to welcome Alan Chun from WSP, who will provide insight into recent structural code revisions and how they impact the design of waterfront concrete structures.
Please register for this in-person dinner event using the instructions below! If you are interested in the topic, you do not need to be a member of ASCE or COPRI to attend. Everyone is welcome! Thanks in advance for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you there!
When More Isn't More: Concrete Shear Capacity Code Revisions.
In this presentation, we will discuss the changes to the calculation of shear capacity, including the size factor, made in ACI 318-19 and compare the methodology used in other design codes. We will also discuss some of the outcomes of these changes in the application to the practical design of concrete structures.
Alan Chun, PE, is a structural engineer at WSP who focuses on port and marine structures. He obtained his Master's Degree in Structural Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and has over 12 years of experience as a structural engineer. His experience includes the design of concrete, steel, and timber structures in a variety of settings, including dry docks, floating structures, bulkheads, bridges, mechanical systems, tunnels, and other miscellaneous site structures. Alan has developed extensive experience in structural analysis and modeling of soil-structure interaction. While the core of his design experience lies in structural design, critical to his success is the ability to communicate clearly, develop efficient solutions, and “ownership” of issues and projects to ensure success.
Please register at https://ascecopriseattleapril17.bpt.me
Questions?...contact Ellis Beckwith (ellis.beckwith@kpff.com) or ascecopri.seattle@gmail.com.
Arrowhead Elementary STEM Night - Volunteers Needed
Join us for an in-person K12 interactive booth to teach and engage K- 5th grade students. We will be hosting an ASCE booth and interacting with students that evening. All are welcomed regardless of membership status.
E-Week Day of Service: Tree Planting
To culminate Engineers Week, the ASCE YMF is volunteering with Mountains to Sound on tree/shrub planting event at Lake Sammamish State Park. The Greenway Native Plant Nursery is home to nearly 30,000 native trees and shrubs. From the very start of their journey with the Greenway Trust, these trees are cared for by volunteers. At the nursery, volunteers pot these trees and shrubs, and after they have grown in our nursery for about two years, volunteers will plant these plants again, this time in their final homes in urban forests, parks, and open spaces throughout the Greenway landscape.
For those who attend, there will be hot coffee provided and an informal networking event with snacks following the tree planting!
Please register on their actual website, but also please fill out the carpool form.
Bellevue College Outreach
As part of Engineer’s Week 2024, ASCE Seattle YMF will be speaking to engineering classes to promote civil engineering. Please contact ymf@seattleasce.org if you have would like to join other Community College Outreach events.

Holiday Party
Date: December 14th, 2023
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where: The Woods in Georgetown
Address: 4660 Ohio Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134
We would like to welcome all civil engineering professionals and students to our 2023 Holiday Party!
We will be doing a raffle this year. One (1) raffle ticket per attendee, and an additional raffle ticket will be given to anyone who:
has an active ASCE membership,
brings another civil engineering colleague,
donates to the Ballard Food Bank,
and/or is dressed in holiday spirit (Christmas sweater, a Santa hat, reindeer antlers, etc.)
Seattle ASCE YMF and EWB Networking Night
Join Seattle’s Younger Members Forum and Engineers Without Borders for a fun evening at Tapster! Look out for our fundraising event while you are there!
WSDOT TMC Technical Tour
WSDOT Transportation Center
15710 Dayton Ave. N, Shoreline, WA 98133
Sign Up Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4VS9DtsaQUFFl12a8Z4SRJ89bfyeDSRrXLpYms1vA0FT3Iw/viewform
2022 PNW Symposium Networking
Please join the Seattle YMF and University of British Columbia ASCE as we host a fun evening for Students and Younger Members! This will be a great opportunity to network with students throughout the western United States and British Columbia from up to 15 Universities!
We will have several breakout rooms that will consist of Bingo, Trivia, Networking, prizes to be awarded and more!
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdiYDMCqnYpMJ06WB-WjI9X5sQhK_Fp214vejRY258LCASdIg/viewform
Popsicle Bridge Competition
Please see the website here for more information: https://www.seattleasceymf.org/psb
This is the competition zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86415687052
The approximate agenda for the day is as follows:
8:30am Zoom Link Opens
9:00am Competition Welcome
9:30am First Bridge Broken
12:30am Last Bridge Broken
12:45am Awards Ceremony and Group Picture (Zoom Screenshot)

ASCE YMF Executive Forum
The Executive Forum is an annual event sponsored by the Seattle ASCE Younger Member Forum and Museum of Flight that provides young engineers and students with an opportunity to meet prominent individuals holding leadership positions in private consulting firms, public agencies, construction companies and minority and women-owned businesses in the Seattle area.
At the Executive Forum, a group of panelists discuss their career paths and experiences, provide insight into future developments in the civil engineering field and offer inspiring advice to young engineers. Attendees will also have an opportunity to ask questions of the panelists and network with engineers from other companies.
Event Theme: “Building the Future: Transitioning from a Pandemic”
Get insight on the direction of engineering in greater Seattle area, how the new infrastructure bill will affect the region. What the outlook is for the engineering field as we transition from the pandemic. How working from home and telecommuting has changed transportation landscape, from trains, planes to automobiles.
Registration Link: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ej1gzinade3f2039&llr=5zncxmlab
Howard McKenzie, Vice President and Chief Engineer, Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Kevin Dayton, Chief Engineer and Assistant Secretary at WSDOT
Kristen Simpson, Director, SDOT,
Ron Lewis, Executive Director of Design Engineering and Construction Management, Sound Transit
Richard Williamson Jones Memorial Scholarship Deadline
The Richard Williamson Jones Memorial Scholarship was established by his wife, Kathie, because Richard often commented that when he was a student, he would have been much better off if he had just had a little more money for books and supplies. The scholarship continues through Kathie Jones' estate.
Richard Jones was a civil engineer and a member of the Seattle Section of ASCE, when he died in an airplane crash at the age of 53. He was a graduate of the University of Washington and was admitted as a Member of the Society in 1949 and as a Fellow in 1959. Mr. Jones joined General Construction Company in 1933 where he worked on many projects in the Seattle and Portland area, including the Bonneville Dam and as Chief Engineer on the Hungry Horse Dam. At the time of his death, he was Executive Vice President of General Construction Company.
The maximum scholarship amount distributed annually is $2,000.
2021 Applications are due June 25, 2021.
Either a hardcopy or electronic application may be submitted; electronic application preferred.
The hardcopy information must be postmarked no later than June 25, 2021 and sent to:
Henry Haselton 8707 SW 216th St, Vashon WA 98070
Electronic applications should be in PDF format and must be sent no later than 11:59 pm, June 25, 2021 to Henry Haselton at hhaselton@aspectconsulting.com and cc’d to president@seattleasce.org.
S.T.E.A.M Carnival
WABS (Washington Alliance for Better Schools) is partnering with White Center Heights to host a student-led S.T.E.A.M Carnival, and the students are looking for community industry professionals to lead a hand-on learning activity. It is a one-time, volunteer opportunity they have coming up next month. WABS is looking for 1 or 2 volunteers that might be interested in leading an activity on building a paper structure that can hold weight (like heavy books).
This is a great opportunity to have an impact on STEM students and share you experiences with our future engineers!!
Please contact Nicki at k12asce.seattle@gmail.com for additional information or questions.
Sign up here!
UW YMF Industry Panel
We are hosting our annual end of the year industry panel for University of Washington students. We need 5-6 panelists from across the civil industry to volunteer to speak about their career and experiences to students and answer some student questions.
Sign up here!
Virtual Happy Hour with ASCE YMF
Please join us for a joint event with our Oregon YMF friends.
We will be creating break-out rooms for university students and YMFs to discuss and network.
Sign up here!
Virtual Happy Hour with Seattle ASCE YMF
Please join us for another bar-hopping event, as we explore famous bars all across the United States. If you are one of the first to solve the riddle, we will buy you a drink
($10 gift card to a local restaurant, limit three).
Sign Up at the link below!
2021 ASCE PNW Conference
13 schools and 250 students will be participating in Concrete Canoe, Sustainable Solutions, Environmental, and Mead Prize Paper competitions.
There will also be various entertainment and social events planned throughout the conference! Please RSVP and enjoy the presentation given by motivated civil engineering students from:
Carroll College
Boise State University
University of British Columbia
Portland State University
Oregon Tech
University of Idaho
Montana State University
Oregon State University
Gonzaga University
University of Portland
Saint Martin’s University
University of Washington
Virtual Networking Event
Please join the Seattle YMF for a fun virtual escape room on March 18th! at 6PM
Sign Up here!
2021 ASCE Infrastructure Report Card
ASCE will be releasing the 2021 Infrastructure Report Card!
Sign up below to receive the agenda and registration link.
PE Exam Panel with Seattle YMF
Are you interested in taking the Professional Engineer (PE) Exam but don't know where to start? Join the Seattle YMF for a 'PE Panel' where we will have practicing young engineers from each discipline participate in a panel discussion and answer any questions you may have! The intent of this event is to provide a platform for discussion and to help educate in a peer-to-peer manner. Panelists have all taken and passed the PE and now have licensure in WA State. Join us!
If you have a question or discussion topic you would like to see answered during the pane, please follow the link below to get it added to the queue.
Registration Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkf-ipqDItEt3NwgRe-IOM0orTgyfbbWyC
Have you signed up for ASCE Seattle's FREE Doer-Seller Workshop Series for Engineers with Mark Wainwright from Wainwright Insight yet?
The first session is next Tuesday at 4:30pm and the following sessions are scheduled for Feb 2 and 23rd.
Make sure to sign up today so you don't miss out on this awesome opportunity! Mark will lead three engaging sessions involving opportunities to interact and hone your business development skills - perfect for those interested in effectively acquiring new clients and strengthening already existing client relationships. (ASCE Membership is not required to sign up)
Find out more and register for all three sessions below: