Who are we? ASCE!
Our History
In 1912, ASCE held its 44th annual national convention in Seattle. This convention was so successful that within a year, Seattle engineers founded the Seattle Section of the ASCE on June 30, 1913. Over the past 100 years, Seattle ASCE members have had a signficiant impact on public works in Washington State, including the development of Seattle’s first harbor, Interstate 5 through Seattle in 1957, and a cross-sound ferry terminal in 1961. Seattle hosted later national conventions in 1967, 1971, 1986, and 2000.
Younger members have long played a significant role in the Section; the roots of the Seattle Younger Member’s Forum (YMF) go back as far as at least 1970, with the first records of an Associate Member Committee. The Committee became a Forum and was later changed to the Younger Member Forum at the end of 2000. In 1995, the YMF initiated their popular Popsicle Stick Bridge Competitions. In 2000, YMF members helped engineer and construct the world's largest origami paper crane (at the time) with the World Peace Project for Children; the crane had a 200-foot wingspan and required 57,600 square feet of paper and 4 miles of tape. The Seattle YMF has hosted successful Western Regional Young Member Council (WRYMC) conferences in 1984, 1988, 1995, 2007, and 2015, and co-hosted an international WRYMC with the Southern Nevada YMF across the border in Vancouver, BC in 2000.
Past Presidents
Bobbie Gillmour
Jared Nakamoto
Romulos Ragudos Jr.
Cal Bearman
Elyssa Dixon
Courtney Davis
Don Nguyen
Bethy Clark