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WABS After School STEM School Winter Sign Up Deadline

WABS After School STEM School Winter

Who: Washington Alliance for Better Schools (WABS) needs professional volunteers to help

participate in their After School STEM Program. Volunteers will help share their skills and

experiences with students grades 4-8.

What: In this unit, students will engineer model buildings that are earthquake resistant. They’ll also

develop building codes that help others build earthquake-resistant structures. Students will build and

test their designs using everyday materials. The curriculum will be used for both elementary and

middle school, with modifications based on grade level.

When: Volunteers are needed once a week for 6 weeks this upcoming winter (2/1-3/26). Additionally,

volunteers will need to choose and attend a training date (1/13 or 1/14).

Where: Virtual!

Why: This is a great opportunity to have an impact on STEM students and share your experiences with our future engineers!!

Sign up deadline January 6th, 2020

Please note volunteers will need to pick up a materials kit provided by WABS, or gather your own materials

Please contact Nicki at k for additional information or questions

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