Kristen McFarland

Kristen is a recent graduate from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. She is currently working at Terracon as a Geotechnical Field Engineer with projects ranging from foundation design to stormwater infiltration.

She was an active member of her ASCE student chapter as she held various positions. Kristen is currently our Westside Networking chair. Her enthusiasm and energy have been an incredible addition to our team.

On ASCE...

"I love the mentorship aspect, defined or undefined, of ASCE. During my beginning years of college I had mentors within my student chapter who were always there to answer questions and help with advice, and encouraged me to pursue my first internship. I’m now able to give back and serve as a mentor for student members and those just starting their careers."

On civil engineering...

"I’m really excited that adoption and incorporation of resilience into infrastructure and engineering is becoming more prevalent in our society. I’m interested in the 100 Resilient Cities program and want to work toward creating sustainable and resilient infrastructure."


Philip Yu


Eamaan Tabatabai