Trung Le

Trung is a Project Manager at Transpo Group, and has been working on projects all over Washington and California for the past 10 years. As a transportation design engineer, Trung has worked on a wide range of public and private transportation projects involving designs of traffic signal, roadway illumination, channelization, multi-modal, and active transportation. Trung’s involvement with ASCE started during his time at Seattle University where he was the captain of Steel Bridge team and continued after his graduation where he served on the YMF board as Seattle University Liason. He continues to serve in various ASCE events such as university panels and resume nights. When he manages to find free time outside his engineering career, managing a restaurant which he started with his family (Lotus Pond Vietnamese Cuisine), and performing his duties as an Assistant to the Regional Manager in caring for his 3 kids, Trung loves to go outdoor climbing, backpacking, hiking, and other healthy-sounding activities that does not require money or constant time commitment.

What’s one thing about the civil engineering profession you wished you knew in college?

“The multi-disciplinary nature of civil engineering projects. I didn’t realize how harmoniously all the different disciplines must work together to deliver a successful design and project. You’re but a tiny piece of the puzzle so it becomes paramount to have a decent understanding of all the other disciplines to know where/how you fit in. Every project is another puzzle to solve with others and I think that’s what makes this job fun and exciting!“

What are you most excited about in terms of the direction the field is heading?

“That we most likely won't’ be replaced by AI...hopefully...”


Calvin Blackwell


Paige Jewell